Friday, 30 November 2012

Stick to you!

I woke up this morning and the saying

     "Stick to what works for you, leave the rest". Kept resounding in my head.

Truth is we are all different beings, here on earth for different purposes.
And every individuals idea of happiness differs.
Methods in which one might use in achieving heights in life might not necessarily work for you.
People on the outside would always have their perceptions, but they "really never really know".
Only he who wears the shoes actually knows where it pinches.

Contenment is key.
Appreciate what you have.
Don't ever let those who ''think'' they have it better lead you astray.
Of course, they might be trying to help out of a good heart, but be sure to think it through, because one wrong move could make you loose it all.

So i'd say,
Be you, Do you and Stick to what makes you happy, Leave the rest.

Thursday, 26 July 2012



Big round soulful eyes,
A heartwarming and charming smile,
A big heart,
Fair luscious skin,
Meek as a dove, wise as a serpent
Calm, level headed, smart, strong, intelligent and beautiful.
Beautiful both on the outside and on the inside
She’s got the most beautiful soul…
I know this sounds fantastic and unrealistic,
Somewhat like I’m describing a super human right?
Well, you’ve got that right!
She is a super woman, and she is my mum.

   ''… Even when she is a mess, she still puts
      on a vest with an ‘’S’’ on her chest ’’.

One of the lessons life has taught me in recent times is to appreciate those we love while we still can.
Let them know how much they mean to you.
No games!

Mothers are a special gift from God,
I’m thankful to have one.
She is so selfless, puts us (her kids) before her, how she does that is beyond me. She says I’ll understand when I someday have kids of my own.

Because of her, through God of cause I am where I am today.
She stood by my dad through it all and built for us this beautiful home J
I’ve come to see how strong a woman she is, and appreciate her even more.
She lost the one man she has ever loved.
The one man she had ever known since she was seventeen, and been married to for 27 years.
She lost her best friend and soul mate, but still yet she gets up from her bed every morning, wipes her tears , says her prayers and steps out to put her business together.

She doesn’t let her sorrows weigh her down.
Her mum should have named her ‘’Tavershima’’ to top up Dooshima (her name) which perfectly describes her.

I draw strength from her strength,
She gives me a reason to smile every day, stay strong , pick up my pieces and move on.
She is my role model and my hero.
My guardian angel on earth.
I don’t have to wait for mother’s day to appreciate her.
Just want to say I love her just cause it’s Friday :D

May the almighty grant you long life, peace and happiness *muaah*

Sunday, 27 May 2012


Yep! Birthdays are a really big deal to me. Matter of fact, I always make noise about mine once I step into the month of May J

I always spark something special to tick that date. It is either I am throwing a party, chilling out with friends or buying something really pretty for myself… Or sometimes, a bit of all. This brings to mind the vivid memories of my eigth birthday. I kept telling my mum I wanted a party, but she was quiet about it. I can’t remember if I knew if the import of her silence meant no or if I felt she was planning something for me. Well, I went ahead and told all my friends within the neighborhood and out that it was my birthday, and I was having a party. My mum came home that afternoon to see the house filled with children. LOL… She had no choice than to order drinks and snacks to serve my guests, and I got my party! That’s how bad it is J
My birthday this year was different. As May’s wind blew by, I felt indifferent about its 10th – my day. This was going to be my first birthday without my dad. He was never good at remembering birthdays, but as a child, I always sang it to him and got a gift from him.  He wasn’t in town on my 21st birthday, but my mum reminded him. He called that day wished me a happy birthday and asked what my plans were for the New Year. I told him I was 21 and ‘So I’m moving out of the house!’ That sure made him laugh real hard. He still made fun of it when he came home the following weekend. I should mention here that it’s a tradition in my family to wake the celebrant up by 12am and sing a birthday song to them. On my 22nd, Dad was around and sang to me with the rest of the family.
My birthday last year is one I would always remember. Dad was far away. He called me that beautiful morning and gave me loads of advice, without a birthday wish. Just as he was about to end the call, I was like ‘Daddy is that all you have to tell me?’ He was genuinely confused and asked if there was something else. I told him it was my birthday! He apologized for his forgetfulness and said his spirit just led him to me that morning. He had felt the urge to call me. He then wished me a happy birthday. I don’t know why, but that made me smile all through the day and for a long time afterwards...
Maybe it was because it was Dad’s final ‘Happy Birthday’… Hmm.

This year I knew was going to be different, and I told myself I wasn’t going to mark the day. By 12am, I lay on my bed and cried my heart out. I knew dad wouldn’t join in the singing that would usher me into my unique ‘New Year’ this time or any other for the rest of my days on earth. I dozed a bit…

By 5am mum (God keep and bless her) woke me up and prayed for me. It was soothing. Now, trust me, there’s nothing greater than a praying mum.
I had some training that day but there were a few morning rituals to fulfill which I ‘conquered’. I enjoyed seeing my pretty face on bbm as so many peoples display picture, Was loving the Facebook and Twitter love (don’t we all?). Next thing, my telephone network provider (MTN) decided to mess up! In the process of swapping SIM cards, I lost everything on my Black Berry from contacts to pictures, videos and also songs. What a birthday present! Yuck! The tears came to my eyes and I could feel their banks nearly flooding. I felt like crying. Mercifully, I didn’t and got my BB fixed by my friend Bob the geek J

I teased my friend Hembie and asked her to throw me a surprise party. Deep down I told myself I wasn’t going to do anything near celebrating no matter what. I was rebelling. I wanted to mourn my dad. Whenever anyone asked where it was happening (in usual recognition of the yearly bash), I looked them straight in the eye and said ‘NOWHERE! I’m not doing anything!’ The look of surprise was always there. That strangely made me feel good and in control.

The training finished really early that day, I decided to drop by the office and that’s how a lovely day began to unfold. My friend Doosuur Waghbo dropped by and gave me some very lovely cupcakes. Precious also got me a very lovely massive birthday cake with my name on it. Good gracious, I was overwhelmed and felt special. The calls kept coming in, and not surprisingly, they all kept asking where it was going down. I was obstinate at first refusing anything would happen but at some point, I had to take a minute to rethink things. I thought to myself and wondered who I was fooling. Daddy would want me to celebrate, he would want me to choose life over death, he would want me to celebrate being a year older and be happy. [Plus who could resist the call of life!]  I then passed by the bank withdrew some lil money and called my friends to hook up at Sofa Lounge by 7pm.

On getting home, I met my sister Annie (God bless her lovely soul). She gave me this really cute shoes as a gift, I was shocked and so excited not just because the shoes were pretty, but because my sister isn’t exactly a gift kind of person. I was moved that she’d go out of her way just to make me smile. Just as we sat gisting, friends started to drop by. First was Drew, next was Mimi with a perfume (Burberry sports) for me. Hembie came in with another huge birthday cake and then Bob with a bottle of an expensive fine wine J. Hembie was the architect who had put it all together. She brought them all together, for me. I got my surprise party after all. Lol… love that silly girl. Wow!

I refreshed a bit and got dressed. We headed out to Sofa Lounge. Mimi insisted I wear a short dress and heels when I wanted to settle for flats *sigh* they were on a mission to make me have a lovely day, and I just had to obey.

Then we got to Sofa Lounge, all my peoples were there, Semag, Kuranen, Member, Kwinny, Nkem, Myque, Oketa, Napoleon,Echi, Funmi and Doo Ukih (who gave a pretty collar chain there).
We all drank, ate, danced and sang (and gosh did we sing! It was a Karaoke night).
When it was time to head home, my friends all pulled a Voltron on me and ended up paying the bill for the evening. I went back home with the money I withdrew from the bank, and even a little extra from their voltron act J
On getting home, Hembie sent me a voice note which I listened to before sleeping. It was a little prayer. What a way to end a perfect day, I told myself, as I stepped into dream land.

So, my birthday this year on which I planned to mourn all day turned out to be my bestest ever yet. I got lots of gifts and love, thanks to my lovely friends and incredible family. There were even those out there praying for me – thanks. I really think that in all times, we need them – family and friends. We need people. And yes, we should celebrate life more for who knows where the next second would leave us?


P.S: And yes of course, I am already waiting next year’s… See ya!

Tuesday, 15 May 2012



Ever wish you could turn back the hands of time and undo an act?

Ever wish you could change people’s perception about you? (Be honest, you care what someone thinks!)

 Ever wish you could open up your heart and let that one guy/ girl see how much you love and adore them and how safe they'll always be with you?

 Ever wish he/ she could love you back in return?

Ever wish you could have all the money in the world, and travel wherever and whenever? (without ever having to work? :) )

Ever wish life was without pain? Just smiles all through?

Ever wish you could pause time and take a deep breathe?

Ever wish people were less selfish and practised empathy? (government especially)

Ever wish Lucifer was just obedient and humble before the almighty?

Ever wish Adam and Eve never ate that damn fruit? *sigh*

  Ever wish you were closer to God (more, Christ) than you are? (it's so hard in our world today, I know)

 Ever wish you died as a child filled with innocence? (Easiest way to make heaven...easiest way to enjoy life’s beauty)

Ever wish death wasn't so sudden? But came with warnings so you and your loved ones could prepare for it?

Ever wonder if the life we are living now has been pre-destined and we just acting out a role? Would it then be okay to just relax and let life take it's cause?

Ever wish you would wake up and be told that you've been in a coma all along, and all you thought was your life was just a dream?
Hmm, my many questions and wishes! I bet you all think about it too or am i just weird?
Well, let’s hear your thoughts as well :)
very random.

Monday, 19 March 2012


 I actually wrote dis post two years back,while awaiting my NYSC.It was a long wait,I stayed home for two whole years depressed and filled with anger,that's actually what inspired this write up.
Today makes it exactly a month since I lost my dad to a car accident.I still find it hard to accept that his actually gone.I miss him sooooo much,words can't even start to describe.How can a man soooo full of life leave just like that? I hate to say his dead,cause the word "death/dead" feels so far fetched in describing what has become of a man like my dad.I prefer to say his gone,or has left earth.This post,was initially titled "Hate",a friend of mine helped me edit it,and had me read"s quite amazing how it describes my current situation and comforts me.My mums says it's Well, here it is,enjoy and stay blessed.

It advanced menacing,
Mean and dark
Fierce, with deep tormenting hard eyes
It speaks no word but instills fear and anger.
As it walked towards me, those tormenting eyes weakened my knees, planting fright in me.
I fell to the floor helpless.
I felt my heart ache, and then felt it no more, as its claws took it out of me.
I lay there on the floor feeling empty, no love, no care –
Just bitterness, anger, depression and HATRED!!
With this, all my dreams, hopes and worth were tarnished – vanished.
In its stead came self pity and no self worth.
Every other night, I cried myself to sleep. Sleeping itself was hard.
I felt the whole world take me for a joke and think me worthless.
I confided in anger and hatred. They became my best friends.

Still, I caught the view
Two arms always spread apart, waiting to embrace me, but I always walked on by in thought:
"What the hell can a silly embrace do for me?"
Then, on that faithful night, as I lay on my bed crying, I saw those arms again, and decided to give them a try.
I went in for the embrace, the arms held me so tight, as if never ever wanting to let go of me.
It was the warmest embrace, that of a father to a child promising to always guard me.
The look in its eyes, that of a mother to a child telling me she'd always love me
Assuring me we would pull through whatever, together.
The smile on the lips, that of siblings and true friends overlooking my mood swings
Smiling just to show they understand me.
And then it struck me. That warm embrace was Christ himself.
He restored my heart (love) back to me and assured me through that warm embrace that all would be well,
And he'd always be here for me. He made me see how lovely a family and friends he has given me.
They are always going to love, care trust and believe in me regardless…
I love you Jesus. Thank you for giving me a piece of you here on earth
In the peace of this lovely family and friends.